Independence Year : 1923 Population : 66591000 Life Expectancy : 71.0 Capital : 3358 GNP : 210721.00 GNP Old : 189122.00 Local Name : Türkiye Government Form : Republic Location : southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia Terrain : Narrow coastal plain surrounds Anatolia, an inland plateau becomes increasingly rugged as it progresses eastward. Turkey includes one of the more earthquake-prone areas of the world Climate : Moderate in coastal areas, harsher temperatures inland Ethnic Group : Turkish, Kurdish, other Religions : Muslim 98%, Christian, Bahai and Jewish Official Website :www.cankaya.gov.tr |
Genral Information - Turkey
Turkey is often called "the cradle of civilization," as it has been home to a rich variety of tribes and nations of people since 6500 B.C.
The Republic of Turkey was founded in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, replacing the dynastic and theocratic Ottoman system, with its Sultanate and Caliphate. The Republic is based on a secular democratic, pluralist and parilamentary system.
In 1945 Turkey joined the UN and became a member of NATO in 1952.
Turkey occupied the northern portion of Cyprus in 1974 to prevent a Greek takeover of the island; relations between the two countries remain strained.
Periodic military offensives against Kurdish separatists have dislocated part of the population in southeast Turkey and have drawn international condemnation.
In recent years, Turkey has become a major tourist destination in Europe.