Independence Year : 1945
Population : 22256000
Life Expectancy : 76.4
Capital : 3263
GNP : 256254.00
GNP Old : 263451.00
Local Name : T’ai-wan
Government Form : Republic
Location : Eastern Asia, islands southeastern of the coast of China
Terrain : Largely mountainous
Climate : Maritime subtropical.
Ethnic Group : Taiwanese (including Hakka) 84%, mainland Chinese 14%, aborigine 2%
Religions : mixture of Buddhist, Confucian, and Taoist 93%, Christian 4.5%.
Official Website | | 
Genral Information - Taiwan
In 1895, military defeat forced China to cede Taiwan to Japan, however it reverted to Chinese control after World War II. Following the communist victory on the mainland in 1949, 2 million Nationalists fled to Taiwan and established a government using the 1947 constitution drawn up for all of China.
Over the next five decades, the ruling authorities gradually democratized and incorporated the native population within its governing structure. Throughout this period, the island has prospered to become one of East Asia's economic "Tigers." The dominant political issue continues to be the relationship between Taiwan and China and the question of eventual reunification.
(Source: CIA - The World Factbook)