Independence Year : 1974
Population : 100000
Life Expectancy : 64.5
Capital : 916
GNP : 318.00
GNP Old : 0.00
Local Name : Grenada
Government Form :Constitutional Monarchy
Location : Caribbean, island between the Caribbean Sea and Atlantic Ocean, north of Trinidad and Tobago, and south of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Terrain : Three volcanic islands (Grenada and the smaller islands of Carriacou and Petit Martinique) with mountainous rainforest
Climate : Tropical; tempered by the steady and cooling trade winds
Ethnic Group : African descent (75%), some South Asians (East Indians) and Europeans, trace Arawak/Carib Indian.
Religions : Roman Catholic, various Protestant denominations, Islam, Rastafarianism
Official Website : | | 
Genral Information - Grenada
Grenada belongs to the Windward Islands, the southern group of the Lesser Antilles in the West Indies. It is an independent island state within the Commonwealth of Nations in the West Indies is one of the smallest independent countries in the western hemisphere.
The state includes the southern half of the archipelago known as the Grenadines, the islands of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique as well as a group of largely uninhabitable small islands and islets north of Grenada in the Windward Islands.
Grenada was seized by a Marxist military council on 19 October 1983. Six days later the island was invaded by US forces and those of six other Caribbean nations, which quickly captured the ringleaders and their hundreds of Cuban advisers. Free elections were reinstituted the following year.